Personality Potential Development Program

The Program is aimed at developing the personality potential of children and helps a modern child to learn how to set goals in life and achieve them, make informed choices, shape their learning and development trajectory, be ready to change and overcome difficult life situations, be responsible for their lives, effectively manage their resources, thinking, emotions, behavior, interaction with others.

‘The personality potential development program will lead, first of all, to the fact that a person will feel himself not in the world of the culture of utility, where he is a thing, where he is a cog, but in the world of the culture of dignity, where he can actualize, become successful, develop himself. This applies to the child, this also applies to the teacher’.

Alexander Asmolov

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Board of Experts of the Sberbank Charitable Foundation «Investment in the Future», Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Personal Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the School of Anthropology of the Future of the RANEPA

The program promotes the discovering of human potential, fills the shortage of tools in schools for the development of relevant skills and competencies for the XXI century, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the tasks set by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and the latest legislative initiatives.

The goals of the Personality Potential Development Program (Program) are consonant with the tasks of education, defined in the amendments to the Law on Education (dated July 31, 2020) as ‘...personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of students based on socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values and the rules and norms of behavior accepted in Russian society...’. Thus, the Program is essentially the methodological basis of education, and the methodological materials and educational solutions developed within the framework of the Program are tools of educational work in educational organizations.

The Program offers a comprehensive solution for educational organizations in order to support the development of a child from 5 to 18 years old, taking into account his age characteristics. The Program also includes key participants in this process: teachers, parents, managers of educational organizations, executive authorities in the field of education, institutes of advanced training and education development in the regions of Russia.

How the Program works

The Program helps to form a personality development environment in educational organizations, in which conditions turn into opportunities for development and in which a child can satisfy his key psychological needs, gain subjective well-being, develop personality maturity and flexibility. This manifests itself in establishing harmonious relationships with teachers, parents and friends, revealing their inner motivation for cognition, achievement and self-development.

Professional development and teacher training programs contribute to the personal and professional development of teachers who are leaders of change, prepare them to work in a new paradigm of education, provide advanced methods and tools for working with children.

Participation in the Program allows schools and kindergartens to change their internal culture, restart the professional initiative of teachers and educators; introduce new forms of work with parents, create professional learning communities motivated to work on the development of personality potential.

Scientific and methodological basis of the Program

The Program combines a deep scientific approach with practicality and applicability. The Program is based on the development of the Charitable Foundation «Investment in the Future» for the development of individual skills and competencies obtained as part of the implementation of the Fund's programs. These developments were reinforced by the understanding of the key role of personality potential as the ability to manage one's abilities.

‘Abilities are important, but even more important is the ability to use them’.

Dmitry Leontiev

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Chair of the Board of Experts of Personality Potential Development Program of Sberbank Charitable Foundation «Investment in the Future»

The methodology of the Program is based on the scientific concept of personality potential using tools of socio-emotional and cognitive development. The methodology of the Program is based on the following scientific concepts and schools:

  • D.A. Leontiev's Concept of Personality Potential (HSE) and positive psychology;

  • School of Opportunities and pedagogy of dignity A.G. Asmolov (RAO);

  • Methodology of diagnostics and design of the personal-developing educational environment of V.A. Yasvin (MSPU);

  • Methodology of strategic design in the educational organization of A.M. Moiseev (MSPU);

  • Methodology for the development of universal competencies «4K» (critical and creative thinking, communication and cooperation) and the formation of professional learning communities of teachers in the adaptation of M.A. Pinskaya (RANEPA).

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The ‘Roadmap’ of the Program participant

The path of the Program participant in the regions includes the following stages:

  • transformation of the educational environment in schools and kindergartens;

  • professional development of teachers in the field of socio-emotional and cognitive development of children and their psychological and pedagogical support;

  • the development by teachers of self-management practices, the use of internal resources for effective activity and emotional support;

  • providing schools and kindergartens with modern aids for the development of children from 5 to 18 years;

  • regular evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program implementation in educational institutions, tracking the dynamics of changes in the educational environment, monitoring the competencies and effects of personality potential development in children and teachers;

  • creation of the necessary infrastructure and staffing for the independent development of the Program in the regions-participants.

Nowadays, the methods of the Personality Potential Development Program have passed the psychological and pedagogical expertise of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO) and are recommended for integration into the system of preschool and general education. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, represented by the Center for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Children, recommended the educational and methodological complexes ‘Socio-emotional development of children’ and ‘Development of the personality potential of adolescents’ for the work of school teachers-psychologists.

Head of the Program
Ekaterina Khaustova

Head of ‘Analytics and interaction with universities’ department
Evgeny Matvienko

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