Sberbank's 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation Became Partner of 'Lesson in Digit' Education Project at a Forum in Belarus

On 18 through 21 April 2023, the 'Digital Development of Belarus' forum took place in Minsk; Maria Kondratyeva, Leader of the 'Digital Skills and Competencies' Program of Sberbank's 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation, participated. The forum is a platform for the exchange of experience and discussion of mechanisms for implementing state-of-the-art technology trends in various sectors of economy, the social sphere and the public governance system.

As part of the digital technology festival, Maria Kondratyeva delivered an open 'Lesson in Digit' dedicated to artificial intelligence in startups for schoolchildren, and a panel discussion for teachers, 'Lesson in Digit for Teachers' where she told about the projects implemented within the digital skills development program and the AI Academy for Schoolchildren of the 'Investment in the Future' Foundation.

Maria Kondratyeva, Leader of the 'Digital Skills and Competencies' of the 'Investment in the Future' Foundation:
'Our lesson, content, and products we demonstrated at the forum interested the event participants as improving digital literacy among the teachers' community and young people is a crucial task and not only for Russia. We are happy to share our expertise and materials that assist in accomplishing this task, tell about breakthrough technologies, involve schoolchildren and teachers in our programs, including the 'Lesson in Digit', one of partnership projects with the 'Digital Economy' Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (ANO).. We hope that the materials presented at the forum will prove useful for our Belarussian colleagues and will help strengthen our cooperation.'

The 'Lesson in Digit' is designed to support the 'Talents for Digital Economy' federal project in support of the 'Digital Economy of Russia' national program. The lessons make use of thematic simulators and cover elementary, secondary, and high school students; lesson methodology materials remain on the website, freely accessible by children, parents, and teachers. The 'Lessons in Digit' arrangers are the Russian Ministry of Education, the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, and ANO 'Digital Economy'. Sberbank's 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation is one of the project's main partners.
