Over 2.6 million Schoolchildren from Russia and Other Countries Took the Digital Lesson on Sectoral AI Applications

Over 2.6 million schoolchildren from Russia and other countries took part in the Digital Lesson on Sectoral AI Applications. In addition, Sber employees conducted over 150 open lessons in several regions of Russia. The lesson, developed by the Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Schoolchildren run by Sberbank’s Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation with support from Sber AI, took place as part of the Digital Lesson All-Russian Event in support of the federal project “Human Resources for the Digital Economy” (national project “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”).

Participants learned how artificial intelligence technologies are used in various sectors of the economy. The leaders among Russian regions in terms of the number of schoolchildren who attended the lesson were Belgorod Region, the Chechen Republic, Orenburg, Omsk, Samara, and Penza Regions, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Kaliningrad Region, and the Republic of Karelia.

Belgorod schoolchildren took the Digital Lesson on artificial intelligence more than 195,000 times – an all-time Russian high, again. Belgorod Region traditionally tops the list of regions with the highest attendance.

The annual Digital Lesson All-Russian Event is held by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, and the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Digital Economy" in partnership with the Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation and leading technology companies. The aim of the project is to develop digital skills and provide students with early career guidance. The Digital Lesson on Sectoral AI Applications includes a video lecture and an interactive simulation for three age categories: grades 1-4, grades 5-7, and grades 8-11.

The main goal of the Digital Lesson on Sectoral AI Applications is to help schoolchildren understand how AI technologies are used in various industries, how they change professional vocational requirements, what jobs they create, and how conventional industries — medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and construction are changed by AI.

Materials of the Digital Lesson on Sectoral AI Applications are freely available on the website of the AI Academy for teens.

*Some links open the Russian version of the website.

Peter Polozhevets Executive Director, 'Investment to the Future' Charitable Foundation

“We are seeing artificial intelligence rushing into our lives at a faster pace every year. There are almost no industries left where AI is not applied to some degree. Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation actively supports events like the Digital Lesson, because they demonstrate to the young generation changes occurring not only in life around them, but also in the professional environment. We see how existing professions are being transformed and new professions are emerging, and these large-scale events help schoolchildren understand what skills and knowledge they will need to become professionals in a particular field, take the right steps in professional self-determination, and gain knowledge needed for their future professions as early as during their school years.”

Ramzan Cherkhigov Minister of Transport, Communications and Digital Development of the Chechen Republic

The Digital Lesson on Sectoral AI Applications shows how artificial intelligence is changing our lives and various sectors of the economy. In the Chechen Republic, there was a major breakthrough with this lesson: about 350,000 simulator runs were recorded. The topic of artificial intelligence was very interesting for schoolchildren, and they were happy to run simulations during the open lessons. The region pays special attention to digital literacy of the younger generation, as it is young people who will forge a worthy future.”

Sergey Chetverikov Minister of Digital Development of Belgorod Region

“AI is no longer a technology of the future, it is our present. Artificial intelligence is being actively deployed in almost all sectors of the economy and social life. Recently, during the Digital Lesson, I met with children, and we eagerly discussed the features of this technology, the ways in which we promote it in the region, and the jobs that arise thanks to AI. I saw a lot of interest in the topic from the children.”

Sergey Plugotarenko CEO of Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Digital Economy"

“Everyone, including members of the business community, government representatives, and ordinary users, is aware of the importance of AI development and the need to apply AI-based technologies. Our Digital Lesson on AI held jointly with Sberbank’s Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation reached over 2.5 million schoolchildren. That's an outstanding result! And I am sure that in the future some schoolchildren who have taken this lesson will link their professional life to the development of AI.”

Tatyana Trubnikova Director of the Department for the Development of Digital Competencies and Education, Ministry of Digital Development

“Today AI is used in all industries, so competencies in this area are needed in almost any profession. We think it is extremely important to introduce schoolchildren to fields of specialization in this area, involve them in studying modern technologies, help develop applied digital literacy skills - and all of these are available to children at the Digital Lesson.”
