Round Table in Kyrgyzstan: Programs of 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation Presented to EAEU Countries

On 30 May 2023, a round table on 'Issues of EAEU Integration Processes for Sustainable Development Goals' took place in Kyrgyzstan. Ekaterina Khaustova, Program Leader at the 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation participated in the event.

Ekaterina made a presentation on 'Well-being and health in the context of education: program implementation experience accumulated by the 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation.' She spoke about the Foundation's programs aimed at the well-being and health of children. Her main focus was on how important it is to create a beneficial atmosphere around the child in educational institutions. The speaker presented statistics of the research undertaken by the Foundation in 2020 which demonstrated a direct correlation between psychological well-being and the quality of tuition, motivation to learn and the child's success.

Ekaterina Khaustova, Program Leader at the 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation:
'The personality potential development program's geographic footprint widens with every year, and we are happy to share experience with our colleagues from other countries. As we implement initiatives aimed at support of all education process participants, we contribute to the building of an education environment in which the relationship culture, educational practices and organization of space are conducive to the well-being, health and personality potential development of children and adults, as success and psychological well-being of every child lay the foundation for the maturation of a personality capable of self-realization in the contemporary world.'

Events of this kind address the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with EAEU countries and building of a common harmonized education system with a focus on the mental and physical well-being of children. Development of programs aimed at building skills that help the today's schoolchildren cope with difficulties, achieve goals, and follow their dream (soft skills) is an important vector of the Foundation activity.
