Since 11 March 2024, training of school and kindergarten management teams has been underway in Kyrgyzstan. The training topic is creating an education environment as would ensure success and psychological well-being of every child and lay the foundation for the maturation of a personality capable of self-realization in the contemporary world.
This event was made possible through the cooperation agreement between Sberbank's 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation and the Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (KNU) signed in November 2023. Already in February this year, training was delivered with the aim of implementing joint projects, with over 40 Kyrgyz teaching professionals having been trained to work with the teaching methodology materials developed by the Foundation.
Online training of management personnel is provided by the joint team of the Personality Potential Development in Education Laboratory of the Moscow City University (MCU) and KNU with support from the 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation. The 'Managing Establishment of Education Environment for Personality Development' professional enhancement program comprises several large thematic modules: 'Scientific Concept of Personality Potential Development', 'Environment-Driven Approach in Educational Institution Practices', 'Strategic Design of Changes in Organizational Environment'.
At the first stage, according to an order issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, 14 teams will be trained at 6 kindergartens and 8 schools in a number of cities and regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, working under the patronage of the J. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University. The main training phase lasted until 16 March, followed by a cycle of support webinars. On 12 April, the management teams participating in the training will present their three-year management projects aimed at the creation of an education environment for personality development at their educational institutions. The program pilot institutions will receive the status of region-level and city-level 'Personality Potential Development Centers' (PPDC) and will provide organizational and methodological support to other schools and kindergartens interested in the implementation of education environment development tools using the research material developed by the 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation.
Engagement with schools and kindergartens is not the only vector of international cooperation between Sberbank's 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation and Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University. The parties have also agreed to conduct joint research, exchange practical solutions in the sphere of professional development of teachers, arrange events.
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