Best Practices of Financial Education from the Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation

On May 14 and 15, 2024, the All-Russian Scientific Conference on Financial Education entitle ′Best Practices of Financial Education in Remote, Low-Population and Hard-to-Access Regions′ organized by the Far Eastern Federal University and the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy took place in Vladivostok. Experts of Sberbank’s Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation presented their developments in this area.

The conference was aimed at raising awareness of financial literacy among various social groups of the Russian population in remote regions. Participants discussed ways and practices that would improve the financial literacy education process, including those for residents of hard-to-reach communities.

On May 14, at the plenary meeting Nina Osipova, Head of the Financial Literacy program of the Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation, spoke on the topic ′Results of the financial literacy volunteer program for children from orphanages′ in the Far East. She spoke about the Far East program, its results and development prospects. To date, volunteer teams from Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Ussuriysk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky take classes in four institutions for orphans and children without parental care.

On May 15, Olga Arzamasova, Methodist of the Financial Literacy program run by the Investment to the Future Charitable Foundation, delivered a report on Pedagogical Tools for Increasing Motivation of Schoolchildren in Learning Financial Literacy.

Various practices and recommendations on financial literacy training for children were presented during the conference, including materials developed by the Foundation’s experts.

Presentation by Olga Arzamasova 'Pedagogical Tools for Increasing Motivation of Schoolchildren in Learning Financial Literacy'

*All links open the Russian version of the website.
