Charitable Foundation 'Investment in the Future' supported the international conference on education

International cooperation on education is an important step towards a more equitable and affordable education system for all. That is why the international track remains one of the most important activity streams of the Charitable Foundation 'Investment in the Future.' Exchange of opinions and best practices, search for joint areas of work, participation in international events all contribute to the development and higher quality of education.

From 16 to 20 September 2024, the 2nd international conference 'Expanding opportunities: education for health and well-being in a personality development educational environment' was held in Kyrgyzstan with the support of the Charitable Foundation 'Investment in the Future.' This year, the conference was attended by over 80 participants from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in online mode.

International Conference 'Expanding opportunities: education for health and well-being in a personality development educational environment' was held for the second time. The first conference on this topic took place in October 2023 in Kazakhstan, and in 2024 it handed the baton to Kyrgyzstan. The Conference was organized by Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (KNU), UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, and UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty.

The event was part of a systematic international effort that the Foundation began in 2023. The goal of the Conference is to foster international collaboration (among decision-makers, scientists and practitioners) aimed at the development of education in the sphere of personality development, psychological well-being and health of children and adolescents.

During the conference in Kyrgyzstan, important agreements were reached and new plans were designed. Charitable Foundation 'Investment in the Future' negotiated cooperation with the universities of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, including in the context of the activities of the international research consortium 'Development of Personality Potential in Education.'

Executive Director of Sberbank's 'Investment in the Future' Charitable Foundation participated in the opening of the Resource Center for the Development of Personality Potential and Healthy Lifestyle on the basis of KNU. The network of such centers will be further expanded in the countries of Central Asia, including Kazakhstan.

Teachers from a pilot group of schools and kindergartens in Kyrgyzstan will receive further training using the materials of the Foundation.
